Chapter 6 Appendix

Appendix A: Snakemake workflow

The Snakefile, the contents of which are listed below, contain the code for the rules which are described in chapter 3.3 and which is also published on GitHub (sschmutz/thesis-workflow).

# All samples which should be analysed have to be listed here.
# Alternatively they could also be read from a file.

# The THRESHOLD variable defines the threshold (in percent) which
# is applied to label the contigs using the rule "infer_class_labels"

# a pseudo-rule which lists all files that should be created
rule all:
        quality_profiling = expand(
            sample = SAMPLES,
            type = [
        assembly_stats_sample = expand(
            sample = SAMPLES
        undetermined_class_label = expand(
          sample = SAMPLES,
          threshold = THRESHOLD

rule get_quality_filtered_sequences:
        raw_reads = \
        unclassified_reads = \
        intermediate_reads = \
        good_reads = \
        bad_reads = \
        good_reads_list = \
        unclassified_reads_list = \
        good_classified_reads_list = \
        classified_reads = \
        # trim and filter for sequences > 75nt
        shell("seqtk trimfq {input.raw_reads} | "
               "seqtk seq -L 75 - > {output.intermediate_reads}")

        # filter low quality sequences and sequences with low entropy
        shell(" "
              "-fastq data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_intermediate.fastq "
              "-lc_method entropy -lc_threshold 70 -min_qual_mean 20 "
              "-out_good data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_good "
              "-out_bad data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_bad")

        # get sequence ids from all good and unclssified reads
        shell('grep "@M0" data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_good.fastq | '
              'sort | sed "s/@//" > {output.good_reads_list}')
        shell('zgrep "@M0" {input.unclassified_reads} | sort | '
              'sed "s/@//" > {output.unclassified_reads_list}')

        # get only classified sequences (difference between filtered and undetermined)
        shell("comm -23 data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_good.lst "
              "data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_unclassified.lst "
              "> {output.good_classified_reads_list}")
        shell("seqkit grep -n -f "
              "data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_good-classified.lst "
              "data/sequencing_files/{wildcards.sample}_good.fastq | gzip "
              "> {output.classified_reads}")

rule metagenome_assembly:
        classified_reads = \
        unclassified_reads = \
        assembly_folder = temp(directory("data/metagenome_assembly/{sample}")),
        assembly = "data/metagenome_assembly/{sample}_final.contigs.fasta.gz",
        assembly_stats_sample = "data/metagenome_assembly/{sample}_final.contigs.lst"
        # run megahit with the default parameter, specify memory (-m) and
        # thread (-t) usage
        shell("megahit -r {input.classified_reads},{input.unclassified_reads} "
              "-m 0.5 -t 4 -o {output.assembly_folder}")

        # get the sequence headers of the final.contigs which contain
        # assembly statistics information (contig name, flag, multi and length)
        shell('grep ">" data/metagenome_assembly/{wildcards.sample}/final.contigs.fa | '
              'sed "s/>//" > {output.assembly_stats_sample}')

        # move, rename and compress the final.contigs
        shell("cp data/metagenome_assembly/{wildcards.sample}/final.contigs.fa "
        shell("gzip data/metagenome_assembly/{wildcards.sample}_final.contigs.fasta")

rule read_mapping:
        unclassified_reads = \
        classified_reads = \
        assembly_fasta = \
        "minimap2 -ax sr {input.assembly_fasta} "
        "<(cat {input.unclassified_reads} {input.classified_reads}) | "
        "samtools view | cut -f 1,3 | gzip > {output}"

rule get_virmet_labels:
        reference_human = \
        cram_human = \
        reference_bacterial_1 = \
        cram_bacterial_1 = \
        reference_bacterial_2 = \
        cram_bacterial_2 = \
        reference_bacterial_3 = \
        cram_bacterial_3 = \
        reference_bacterial_4 = \
        cram_bacterial_4 = \
        reference_bacterial_5 = \
        cram_bacterial_5 = \
        reference_fungal = \
        cram_fungal = \
        fastq_viral = \
        list_human = "data/classification/{sample}_human.lst.gz",
        list_bacterial_1 = "data/classification/{sample}_bacterial_1.lst.gz",
        list_bacterial_2 = "data/classification/{sample}_bacterial_2.lst.gz",
        list_bacterial_3 = "data/classification/{sample}_bacterial_3.lst.gz",
        list_bacterial_4 = "data/classification/{sample}_bacterial_4.lst.gz",
        list_bacterial_5 = "data/classification/{sample}_bacterial_5.lst.gz",
        list_fungal = "data/classification/{sample}_fungal.lst.gz",
        list_viral = "data/classification/{sample}_viral.lst.gz"
        # get human sequence ids
        shell('samtools fastq --reference {input.reference_human} {input.cram_human} | '
              'grep "@M0" | sed "s/@//" | gzip > {output.list_human}')

        # get bacterial sequence ids
        shell('samtools fastq --reference {input.reference_bacterial_1} '
              '{input.cram_bacterial_1} | '
              'zgrep "@M0" | sed "s/@//" | gzip > {output.list_bacterial_1}')
        shell('samtools fastq --reference {input.reference_bacterial_2}  '
              '{input.cram_bacterial_2} | '
              'zgrep "@M0" | sed "s/@//" | gzip > {output.list_bacterial_2}')
        shell('samtools fastq --reference {input.reference_bacterial_3}  '
              '{input.cram_bacterial_3} | '
              'zgrep "@M0" | sed "s/@//" | gzip > {output.list_bacterial_3}')
        shell('samtools fastq --reference {input.reference_bacterial_4}  '
              '{input.cram_bacterial_4} | '
              'zgrep "@M0" | sed "s/@//" | gzip > {output.list_bacterial_4}')
        shell('samtools fastq --reference {input.reference_bacterial_5}  '
              '{input.cram_bacterial_5} | '
              'zgrep "@M0" | sed "s/@//" | gzip > {output.list_bacterial_5}')

        # get fungal sequence ids
        shell('samtools fastq --reference {input.reference_fungal}  '
              '{input.cram_fungal} | '
              'zgrep "@M0" | sed "s/@//" | gzip > {output.list_fungal}')

        # get viral sequence ids
        shell('zgrep "@M0" {input.fastq_viral} | sed "s/@//" |  '
              'gzip > {output.list_viral}')

rule infer_class_labels:
        metagenome_assembly_read_mapping = \
        list_human = \
        list_bacterial_1 = \
        list_bacterial_2 = \
        list_bacterial_3 = \
        list_bacterial_4 = \
        list_bacterial_5 = \
        list_fungal = \
        list_viral = \
        # the threshold value is in percent
        threshold = "{threshold}"

rule get_quality_metrics:
        classified_reads = \
        unclassified_reads = \
        unclassified_in_contig_reads_list = expand(
            threshold = THRESHOLD
        unclassified_not_in_contig_reads_list = expand(
            threshold = THRESHOLD
        classified_reads_quality = \
        unclassified_reads_quality = \
        unclassified_in_contig_reads = \
        unclassified_in_contig_reads_quality = \
        unclassified_not_in_contig_reads = \
        unclassified_not_in_contig_reads_quality = \
        # get quality data of classified and unclassified reads
        shell("fastp -i {input.classified_reads} "
              "--overrepresentation_analysis "
              "--low_complexity_filter "
              "-j {output.classified_reads_quality} -h /dev/null")
        shell("fastp -i {input.unclassified_reads} "
              "--overrepresentation_analysis "
              "--low_complexity_filter "
              "-j {output.unclassified_reads_quality} -h /dev/null")

        # extract sequences listed in unclassified_in_contig and
        # unclassified_not_in_contig lists
        shell("seqkit grep -f {input.unclassified_in_contig_reads_list} "
              "{input.unclassified_reads} | "
              "gzip > {output.unclassified_in_contig_reads}")
        shell("seqkit grep -f {input.unclassified_not_in_contig_reads_list} "
              "{input.unclassified_reads} | "
              "gzip > {output.unclassified_not_in_contig_reads}")

        # get quality data of unclassified-in-contig and
        # unclassified-not-in-contig reads
        shell("fastp -i {output.unclassified_in_contig_reads} "
              "--overrepresentation_analysis "
              "--low_complexity_filter "
              "-j {output.unclassified_in_contig_reads_quality} -h /dev/null")
        shell("fastp -i {output.unclassified_not_in_contig_reads} "
              "--overrepresentation_analysis "
              "--low_complexity_filter "
              "-j {output.unclassified_not_in_contig_reads_quality} -h /dev/null")

The contents of the script infer_class_labels.R which is called from the Snakefile is listed below.


# function definitions ----------------------------------------------------

read_virmet_classes <- function(sample_name_short, virmet_class){
  # this function reads VirMet classification infos (read ids) of one sample and class
  # enables to use map in the next function to do this for all classes of one sample
  class_label_path <-
         paste0(sample_name_short, "_", virmet_class, ".lst.gz"))
  # only returns first part of class label ("bacterial_1" gives "bacterial")
  virmet_class_short <-
    str_split(virmet_class, pattern = "_")[[1]][1]
  virmet_class_labels <-
    read_csv(class_label_path, col_names = c("read_name")) %>%
    mutate(virmet_class = virmet_class_short)

write_undetermined_class_label <- function(sample_name_short, threshold){
  alignment_path <-
         paste0(sample_name_short, "_aln.tsv.gz"))
  # caution, some reads might have mapped to more than one contig
  # and are listed multiple times
  alignment <-
               delim = "\t",
               col_names = c("read_name", "contig_name"), na = "*") %>%
    # remove multiple rows when a single reads was mapped multiple times
    # to the same contig
    unique() %>%
    separate(contig_name, into = c(NA, "contig_number"), convert = TRUE)

  virmet_classes <-
      "bacterial_1", "bacterial_2", "bacterial_3", "bacterial_4", "bacterial_5",
  virmet_class_labels <-
    map_dfr(virmet_classes, ~read_virmet_classes(sample_name_short, .x)) %>%
    # viral read names contain an additional part, remove that
    separate(read_name, into = "read_name", sep = " ", extra = "drop")
  alignment_undetermined_reads <-
    anti_join(alignment, virmet_class_labels, by = "read_name")
  combined <-
    full_join(alignment, virmet_class_labels, by = "read_name") %>%
    mutate(virmet_class = replace_na(virmet_class, "undetermined"))
  contig_labels <-
    combined %>%
    filter(! %>%
    group_by(contig_number, virmet_class) %>%
    count() %>%
    group_by(contig_number) %>%
    mutate(n_total = sum(n)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(n_fraction = n/n_total) %>%
    # select top label (undetermined excluded) which is above threshold
    # to label the contigs
    filter(virmet_class != "undetermined",
           n_fraction > (threshold/100)) %>%
    group_by(contig_number) %>%
    slice_max(order_by = n_fraction, n = 1, with_ties = FALSE) %>%
  unclassified_in_contig <-
    alignment_undetermined_reads %>%
    filter(! %>%
    left_join(contig_labels, by = "contig_number")
  unclassified_in_contig_list <-
    alignment_undetermined_reads %>%
    filter(! %>%
    pull(read_name) %>%
  n_unclassified_not_in_contig <-
    alignment_undetermined_reads %>%
    filter( %>%
  unclassified_not_in_contig_list <-
    alignment_undetermined_reads %>%
    filter( %>%
    pull(read_name) %>%
  classes <-
    tibble(class =
  class_order <- classes$class
  n_summary <-
    unclassified_in_contig %>%
    count(virmet_class) %>%
    rename(class = virmet_class) %>%
    mutate(class = replace_na(class, "unclassified_in_contig")) %>%
    add_row(class = "unclassified_not_in_contig", n = n_unclassified_not_in_contig) %>%
    full_join(classes, by = "class") %>%
    mutate(n = replace_na(n, 0),
           class = factor(class, levels = class_order),
           sample = sample_name_short,
           treshold_percent = threshold) %>%

            file =
                   paste0(sample_name_short, "_", threshold, ".csv")))
        file =
        file =

# call functions ----------------------------------------------------------

list_human <- snakemake@input[["list_human"]]

# extract the sample name by looking at everything which is in between
# "data/classification/" and "_human.lst.gz"
sample_name_short <-
  str_extract(list_human, pattern = "(?<=data/classification/)(.*)(?=_human.lst.gz)")

threshold <- as.numeric(snakemake@params[["threshold"]])

write_undetermined_class_label(sample_name_short, threshold)


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